Request for Proposals: Animation Services for SE4Ces Erasmus+ Project

Cooperatives Europe announces a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the creation of an animated explainer video for our SE4Ces Erasmus+ project. The SE4Ces project aims to create an enabling environment for the social economy to thrive through close partnerships with higher education institutions, social economy organisations and enterprises, and community stakeholders.

We’re seeking a talented animator or animation studio to create a compelling 3-minute explainer video. The video will serve as the ‘face’ of the SE4Ces project, communicating its vision and components to educators, social economy organizations, policymakers, and more.

If you have a knack for transforming complex information into engaging, accessible narratives, we invite you to submit your proposal. The RFP includes detailed project scope, guidelines for proposal submissions, budget, and evaluation criteria.

The submission deadline is June 30, 2023, at 18:00 Central European Time (CET). Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to help us bring the SE4Ces project’s vision to life through the power of animation!

For more information and to view the full RFP, please click here.

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