‘Cooperatives in development’ online platform is live

Capture d’écran 2014-05-15 à 13

On 15th May, ‘Cooperatives in development’ online platform was launched. The new website showcases the international development projects that European cooperative organisations are carrying out all over the world. The online platform allows knowledge exchanges and facilitates the creation of partnerships with cooperatives, other stakeholders and donors. The website is part of the EU-funded ‘Cooperatives in Development’ project, implemented by the Cooperatives Europe Development Platform (CEDP).

The online platform currently includes more than 400 projects, out of which 300 are ongoing. An interactive map enables the user to discover the projects and some key data such as the sector, budget and partners involved. Furthermore, the website features upcoming events related to international cooperative development, as well as development tools and publications elaborated by the CEDP members.

This is a huge step forward for international cooperative development: Cooperatives Europe is reinforcing international communication, providing relevant data and tools as well as increasing visibility of cooperative development towards partners and EU institutions. “We expect that the platform will foster exchanges within the global cooperative network for an impact-driven, coordinated, and sustainable international cooperative development”, said Klaus Niederländer, director of Cooperatives Europe.

Read the press release.

Read about ‘Cooperatives in development project’.

Go to the ‘Cooperatives in development’ online platform.

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