French Minister Hamon supports cooperative enterprises

French Minister Benoît Hamon, in charge of social and solidarity economy, on September 6 participated in the Social Economy Intergoup at the European Parliament. The theme of the hearing was “Social economy, growth and employment”.
In his intervention, Hamon said: “In France cooperatives have shown great resilience to the crisis, even in extremely concurrential markets. As they are not driven by short-term objectives, they can rely on equities and make long-term investments on innovation and canvassing”
Minister Hamon has recently declared that he intends to design a law on the right of preference of workers to take over their enterprise. According to the Minister, worker cooperatives represent a way to fight against 50,000 to 200,000 redundancies per year linked to enterprise closures which close their business in the absence of candidates to take them over.
After the UK, the government of another large country has shown a strong support to the cooperative business model.

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