Bancel: New President of Cooperatives Europe



On 27th of April, Jean Louis Bancel was unanimously elected as the new President of Cooperatives Europe in Malta during the 2017 General Assembly hosted by Koperattivi Malta.

Jean Louis Bancel currently holds the post of President at Coop FR, the French national cooperative apex organisation, and is President of Crédit Coopératif (French Cooperative bank). He has been part of the cooperative and mutual movement for 20 years and brings a significant international experience to his mandate as a current member of the ICA Board. 

Mr. Bancel succeeds Mr. Dirk J. Lehnhoff who successfully led Cooperatives Europe for the past 4 years. Mr Lehnhoff is part of the newly elected Board composed of 13 members representing national organisations. The new elected Board is balanced in gender and includes 4 European sectoral organisation representatives. The mandate of the President and the Board of Directors will last 4 years.

In his speech, Mr. Bancel said: “For cooperatives, legitimacy is membership. Cooperatives are not only businesses. The women and men, members of our cooperatives, are at the heart of all Cooperatives Europe’s actions. My objective during this mandate is to raise cooperative pride in Europe.”


 The New Governance

Jean-Louis Bancel (Coop FR, France)

Board Members
Pernilla Bonde (HSB, Sweden), Vanya Boyuklieva (CCU, Bulgaria), Rostislav Dvořák (DACR, Czech Republic), Mieczyslaw Grodzki (NCC, Poland), William Janssens, (Febecoop, Belgium), Dirk. J. Lehnhoff (DGRV, Germany), Stefania Marcone, (Alleanza Cooperative Italiane, Italy) Ed Mayo (Co-operatives UK, United Kingdom), Caroline Naett (Coop FR, France), Ünal Örnek (ORKOOP, Turkey) Anu Puusa, (Pellervo, Finland) Malena Riudavets (Coceta, Spain) Susanne Westhausen, (KOOPERATIONEN, Denmark), Massimo Bongiovanni (Euro Coop), Giuseppe Guerini ( Cecop),  Christian Pèes (Cogeca), Etienne Pflimlin (EACB). 


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