Contribution to the consultation on the review of the Regulation on the statute for a European Cooperative Society

In compliance with the article 79 of the European Co-operative Society Regulation (SCE), on 23rd February the Commission published the Report on the use and implementation of the text. On the basis of this Report, the Commission engaged a working programme whose objective is to evaluate if a revision of the SCE Regulation is needed and to establish some potential guidelines for the revision.

Three main actions have been undertaken:

  • A specific workshop was dedicated to the SCE during the European conference organised by Cooperatives Europe with the support of the Commission on 23rd April.
  • The Commission launched a consultation on a list of three main categories of provisions that may be amended.
  • National governments will be invited to express their position during a European conference organised in Nicosia 28-29 September. by the Cyprus government during the Cyprus presidency of the EU .

Complementary to the consultation of the Commission, Cooperatives Europe organised a survey within its members on the Review of the SCE Regulation.

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