Our pledge to the EU Transition Pathways

On February 28 2023 Cooperatives Europe submitted a pledge for the co-implementation of the EU Transition Pathways, more specifically the “Transition Pathway proximity & social economy”. We have committed to work on several action areas, including on addressing on the skills gap and boosting green and digital skills (Action Area 7 and 14) while also working on fostering green business communities and citizens’ initiative (Action Area 6).

Following the publication of the Transition Pathway for the proximity and social economy industrial ecosystem on 14 November 2022, the Commission launched a Call for pledges to stakeholders. This initiative is part of the updated EU Industrial policy and the European Social Economy Action Plan.

The European Commission’s aim of this initiative is to collect concrete pledges from stakeholders towards achieving shared action areas identified in the Transition Pathway. By doing so, we demonstrate our commitment to work together towards the twin transition of the ecosystem.

The collected pledges will contribute to the co-implementation of the Transition Pathway. The Commission will work together with the stakeholders to support them in implementing their pledges, facilitate exchanges of knowledge and best practices”

Find the pledge here.

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